BADGE STRENGTH Motivational Student badge
Strength, training, pushups, weight training, strong horse stances the basis of all good Martial Training and technique.
When beginners learn the importance of good strength technique , practice and proper skill learning in your syllabus, reward good effort with a Strengthiron on embroidered badge.
Unique Iron on badge makes attaching Ray Hanas badges so much easier to attach to garments
Motivational badges an excellent way to reward students who learn, acquire and practice the skills attributed to the term RESPECT.
Include as part of your dojo syllabus to foster fractional motivation and development as part of the grading process.
YOu will notice the very high standard of embroidery and especially note the neat trim of the edges . This allows a neat line up on the garment, with a flat seeamless edge to edge line up.
But individually, or contact the office for further information about customising a motivational syllabu for your school