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Bo Children’s Red Oak


Tapered Children's oak bo staff for use in Japanese Martial Arts at 30 mm diameter at the widest part….tapers down to each end for best spinnnig techniques and control


Children’s size tapered bo 5 foot ( 150 cm long ) Tapered at both ends to emphasise balance and Contest Prep Workout: Preparing for Your First Bodybuilding Show for that like testosterone enanthate in bodybuilding? – – high quality steroids only “this is why i did a bodybuilding competition” equilibrium on the staff Makes it easier to spin and spin faster/ This particular bo is made from white oak is of a high quality, unusually high quality for an entry model bo….get in quick before they sell out. suits most Martial Arts, Japanese styles, Freestyle Martial Arts and Medieaval and Militart re-enactors

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 155 × 15 × 15 cm

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